Integrity Management
EDM Services maintains a large staff that has been trained to perform tedious tasks associated with developing and maintaining pipeline integrity and integrity management records. These include:
- MAOP Verification Projects - The MAOP Verification Project’s scope is to audit existing data, research work order documentation on flagged fittings that have a rating with a lower maximum pressure than the MAOP or have an unknown pressure rating. When adequate documentation cannot be found, the team coordinates with other stakeholders to schedule a field visit to try and verify the fitting’s rating visually and document it through a field photo. The firm’s research work on this project has had over a ninety (90) percent success rate.
- Long Seam Verification Projects - The firm has assisted clients with their Long Seam Verification Project. The scope of work for these projects is to audit existing pipe segment data by researching work order records, PCMRs, Coupon Sample Reports, etc. for a pipe segment’s long seam type information. Defining the long seam type is important to determining the Joint Factor variable “E” used in the steel pipe design formula per 49 CFR 192.105 and AMSE B31.8 841.1.1. When a long seam type is left unknown, decision tree values are used to calculate the pipe MAOP. EDM Services staff have a thorough understanding of the manufacturers and manufacturing processes of the past and present.
- Pipe Grade Verification Projects - The firm is also providing support for Grade Research Verification Projects. These projects include audits of the pipe grade. Data mining is then conducted on the work order packages. A thorough analysis of the material document, purchase orders, material test reports, etc., is conducted to identify a given pipe grade. Successfully identifying the pipe grade saves hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions in costs for coupon projects.
- Feature Study Projects - Feature study projects evaluate the percent specified minimum yield strength (% SMYS) for code compliance. For distribution lines, it’s important per the DOT regulation that the pipe segments are below 20% SMYS. The feature studies are used to determine a given pipeline % SMYS, verify a pipe segment’s MAOP, analyze a pipe segment’s test information and use an existing, or prepare a new class location summary to confirm a pipe segment’s regulatory compliance
- Class Location Studies - EDM Services has conducted numerous class location studies in accordance with 49 CFR 192.5,111, 609 and 611. These services have been provided for both existing and proposed pipelines for a number of clients. Aerial imagery is typically used to determine the population density in accordance with 49 CFR 192.5. This imagery is most often obtained from in-line aerial photographic resources. However, in some cases (e.g., new pipeline construction), new aerial imagery is often obtained using photogrammetric methods, since this base imagery is also used to create the pipeline alignment sheets. Once the imagery has been obtained and the area classes have been determined, regulatory compliance is evaluated. High Consequence Areas (HCAs) are calculated in accordance with CPUC GO 112F. The firm is also familiar with the Gas Standard 182.0190 “Class Location – Determination and Changes.”