Southern California Gas Company – Pipeline Integrity Management

Two federal regulations, which became effective on May 29, 2001, and February 15, 2002, require hazardous liquid pipeline operators to “assess, evaluate, repair and validate through comprehensive analysis the integrity of hazardous liquid pipeline segments that, in the event of a leak or failure, could affect populated areas, areas unusually sensitive to environmental damage, and commercially navigable waterways.” On February 14, 2004, a similar regulation became effective for gas transmission pipelines, as well as certain distribution pipelines. The wording of the final rules is available at the following links.

Since 2002, EDM Services has provided assistance to Southern California Gas Company, as they have undertaken the tremendous workload required to comply with these new pipeline safety regulations. These services have included:

  • Mapping of pipe features and anomalies to support permitting, construction, and repair
  • Environmental permitting
  • Coordination of in-line inspections
  • Engineering and design of permanent and temporary piping and related facilities to accommodate pipeline cleaning and in-line inspection
  • Design of shoring systems to facilitate deep excavations in congested areas
  • Preparation of traffic control plans to facilitate construction in heavily traveled roadways
  • Data mining

EDM Services Inc